This is how I'm so Cute was born, the breweries' second canned beer, that was named after a song by Frank Zappa.

Our task was to develop a label, that serves the purpose of representing the entrance of the company in this marketplace, it needed represent the daring combination of this beverage, a Double Hazy Sour IPA, complex and powerful, uniting classic styles with the newest hops available.

Client: The Nose Mustache
Beer Label: I’m so Cute

The southern brazilian craft brewery called The Nose Mustache, developed a beer to celebrate it's partnership with the Hops Company, this specific beer is produced with a hop called "Zappa".

"I'm so Cute" is the fourth track on the album Sheik Yerbouti, released by Zappa in 1979. The song features a chaotic and psychedelic aspect that we couldn't help but explore. In addition to that, another detail couldn't go unnoticed: The singer's striking physical characteristics bear a strong resemblance to the brewery's name and logo.

Our idea came from the feeling of the song. We wanted to represent a scream that unleashes a psychedelic wave full of energy, with a complexity of vibrant colors that not only match the theme but also align with the ingredients used in the beer, whose final coloration is red.

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